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// Borland Class Library
// Copyright (c) 1993, 1997 by Borland International, All Rights Reserved
//$Revision: 5.6 $
// TDate class implementation
#include <classlib/pch.h>
#include <classlib/date.h>
#include <services/cstring.h>
#include <services/checks.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <time.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <ctype.h>
#include <tchar.h>
* *
* static constants *
* *
static const _TUCHAR DaysInMonth[12] =
{ 31,28,31,30,31,30,31,31,30,31,30,31 };
static const DayTy FirstDayOfEachMonth[12] =
{ 1,32,60,91,121,152,182,213,244,274,305,335 };
static const _TCHAR *MonthNames[12] =
{ "January","February","March","April","May","June",
"July","August","September","October","November","December" };
static const _TCHAR *UCMonthNames[12] =
static const _TCHAR *WeekDayNames[7] =
{ "Monday","Tuesday","Wednesday",
"Thursday","Friday","Saturday","Sunday" };
static const _TCHAR *UCWeekDayNames[7] =
static int _BIDSNEARFUNC
FindMatch( const _TCHAR *str, const _TCHAR**candidates, int icand );
// constructors
// Construct a TDate for today's date.
long clk = time(0);
struct tm _FAR *now = localtime(&clk);
Julnum = Jday(now->tm_mon+1, now->tm_mday, now->tm_year+1900);
// Construct a TDate with a given day of the year and a given year. The
// base date for this computation is Dec. 31 of the previous year. If
// year == 0, Construct a TDate with Jan. 1, 1901 as the "day zero".
// i.e., TDate(-1) = Dec. 31, 1900 and TDate(1) = Jan. 2, 1901.
TDate::TDate(DayTy day, YearTy year)
if( year )
Julnum = Jday( 12, 31, year-1 ) + (JulTy)day;
Julnum = jul1901 + (JulTy)day;
// Construct a TDate for the given day, monthName, and year.
TDate::TDate( DayTy day, const _TCHAR _BIDSFAR *monthName, YearTy year )
Julnum = Jday( IndexOfMonth(monthName), day, year );
// Construct a TDate for the given day, month, and year.
TDate::TDate( DayTy day, MonthTy month, YearTy year )
Julnum = Jday( month, day, year );
// static member functions
// Returns a string name for the weekday number.
// Monday == 1, ... , Sunday == 7
// Return 0 for weekday number out of range
const _TCHAR _BIDSFAR *TDate::DayName( DayTy weekDayNumber )
return AssertWeekDayNumber(weekDayNumber) ? WeekDayNames[weekDayNumber-1] : 0;
// Return the number, 1-7, of the day of the week named nameOfDay.
// Return 0 if name doesn't match.
DayTy TDate::DayOfWeek( const _TCHAR _BIDSFAR *nameOfDay )
return (DayTy)(FindMatch( nameOfDay, UCWeekDayNames, 7 )+1);
// Is a day (1-31) within a given month?
int TDate::DayWithinMonth( MonthTy month, DayTy day, YearTy year )
if( day <= 0 || !AssertIndexOfMonth(month) )
return 0;
unsigned d = DaysInMonth[month-1];
if( LeapYear(year) && month == 2 )
return day <= d;
// How many days are in the given YearTy year?
DayTy TDate::DaysInYear( YearTy year )
return LeapYear(year) ? 366 : 365;
// Returns the number, 1-12, of the month named nameOfMonth.
// Return 0 for no match.
MonthTy TDate::IndexOfMonth( const _TCHAR _BIDSFAR *nameOfMonth )
return (MonthTy)(FindMatch( nameOfMonth, UCMonthNames, 12 )+1);
// Convert Gregorian calendar date to the corresponding Julian day
// number j. Algorithm 199 from Communications of the ACM, Volume 6, No.
// 8, (Aug. 1963), p. 444. Gregorian calendar started on Sep. 14, 1752.
// This function not valid before that.
// Returns 0 if the date is invalid.
JulTy TDate::Jday( MonthTy m, DayTy d, YearTy y )
unsigned long c, ya;
if( y <= 99 )
y += 1900;
if( !DayWithinMonth(m, d, y) )
return (JulTy)0;
if( m > 2 )
m -= 3;
m += 9;
c = y / 100;
ya = y - 100*c;
return ((146097L*c)>>2) + ((1461*ya)>>2) + (153*m + 2)/5 + d + 1721119L;
// Algorithm from K & R, "The C Programming Language", 1st ed.
int TDate::LeapYear( YearTy year )
return (year&3) == 0 && year%100 != 0 || year % 400 == 0;
// Returns a string name for the month number.
// Return 0 if invalid month number.
const _TCHAR _BIDSFAR *TDate::MonthName( MonthTy monthNumber )
return AssertIndexOfMonth(monthNumber) ? MonthNames[monthNumber-1] : 0;
// Return index of case-insensitive match; -1 if no match.
static int _BIDSNEARFUNC FindMatch( const _TCHAR *str, const _TCHAR**candidates, int icand )
unsigned len = _tcslen(str);
if( _tcsnicmp(str, candidates[icand], len) == 0)
return icand;
* *
* Member functions *
* *
// Compare function:
int TDate::CompareTo( const TDate _BIDSFAR &d ) const
if( Julnum < d.Julnum )
return -1;
else if( Julnum > d.Julnum )
return 1;
return 0;
DayTy TDate::Day() const
return DayTy(Julnum - Jday( 12, 31, Year()-1 ));
// Returns the day of the month of this TDate.
DayTy TDate::DayOfMonth() const
MonthTy m; DayTy d; YearTy y;
Mdy( m, d, y );
return d;
// Return the number of the first day of a given month
// Return 0 if "month" is outside of the range 1 through 12, inclusive.
DayTy TDate::FirstDayOfMonth( MonthTy month ) const
if ( !AssertIndexOfMonth(month) )
return 0;
unsigned firstDay = FirstDayOfEachMonth[month-1];
if (month > 2 && Leap())
return firstDay;
unsigned TDate::Hash() const
return (unsigned)Julnum;
// Convert a Julian day number to its corresponding Gregorian calendar
// date. Algorithm 199 from Communications of the ACM, Volume 6, No. 8,
// (Aug. 1963), p. 444. Gregorian calendar started on Sep. 14, 1752.
// This function not valid before that.
void _BIDSNEARFUNC TDate::Mdy( MonthTy _BIDSFAR & m, DayTy _BIDSFAR & D, YearTy _BIDSFAR & y ) const
unsigned long d;
JulTy j = Julnum - 1721119L;
y = (YearTy) (((j<<2) - 1) / 146097L);
j = (j<<2) - 1 - 146097L*y;
d = (j>>2);
j = ((d<<2) + 3) / 1461;
d = (d<<2) + 3 - 1461*j;
d = (d + 4)>>2;
m = (MonthTy)(5*d - 3)/153;
d = 5*d - 3 - 153*m;
D = (DayTy)((d + 5)/5);
y = (YearTy)(100*y + j);
if( m < 10 )
m += 3;
m -= 9;
TDate TDate::Max( const TDate _BIDSFAR & dt ) const
return dt.Julnum > Julnum ? dt : *this;
TDate TDate::Min( const TDate _BIDSFAR & dt ) const
return dt.Julnum < Julnum ? dt : *this;
// Returns the month of this TDate.
MonthTy TDate::Month() const
MonthTy m; DayTy d; YearTy y;
Mdy(m, d, y);
return m;
TDate TDate::Previous( const _TCHAR _BIDSFAR *dayName) const
return Previous( DayOfWeek(dayName) );
TDate TDate::Previous( DayTy desiredDayOfWeek ) const
// Renumber the desired and current day of week to start at 0 (Monday)
// and end at 6 (Sunday).
DayTy thisDayOfWeek = WeekDay() - 1;
JulTy j = Julnum;
// Have to determine how many days difference from current day back to
// desired, if any. Special calculation under the 'if' statement to
// effect the wraparound counting from Monday (0) back to Sunday (6).
if( desiredDayOfWeek > thisDayOfWeek )
thisDayOfWeek += 7 - desiredDayOfWeek;
thisDayOfWeek -= desiredDayOfWeek;
j -= thisDayOfWeek; // Adjust j to set it at the desired day of week.
return TDate(j);
DayTy TDate::WeekDay() const
return DayTy(((((Julnum+1)%7)+6)%7)+1);
// Returns the year of this TDate.
YearTy TDate::Year() const
MonthTy m; DayTy d; YearTy y;
Mdy(m, d, y);
return y;